Thursday, November 30, 2023

Why People Adopt

When looking back at inventions in the past it easy to see why people started to use them. These inventions were ground breaking and had a lot of impact on how people went about their daily lives. In the other hand when looking at these inventions it is also notable that not everyone got on board right at the start. Why is this? Well when look at the Diffusion Theory it noticeable that their were some early adopters, some late adopters, and some people that never used it. 

An example of a invention that went through people deciding if they should take part of it or not is the USB Flash Drive. When people were deciding if they should use the product. They were thinking about the positives and negatives of switching from the old technology of the floppy disc or switch to the flash drive. The flash drive first come to the market in 2000 and began more popular around 2004. 

The reason people became early adopters of the flash drive is because they saw the potential of the flash drive. When they saw it first come out they saw it was smaller, easier, more storage, and was going to be popular soon. For the people that we called early adopters for the flash drive they saw the positives the flash drive had and wanted to be apart of it. For the late adopters they came around in 2004 when it was really popular. The reason they came around is because, the flash drive design started to become more and more creative. For example companies started to put their logos on the flash drive and they could get basically any amount of storage they wanted. Then lastly for the people that never adopted were people that never really got involved in technology in general. For example my gram would be a person that never used the flash drive. She never got into technology so the negatives of getting involved in all the technologies and the flash drive would never be less the positives. 

 In the end the flash drive had a lot of people that did use it, but in the end their will be always people that never adopt a new invention. This does not take anything away from the flash drive it just every person has a scale on the cost and benefit and some will never see the benefit to adopting a new invention. 

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