Wednesday, December 6, 2023

AI in Today World

When thinking about automation today it is amazing to see the progress that it has made from when it started. That being said, the progress that it has made can be scary to think about. AI has made such an improvement that it can come up with ideas and things that people have not even thought about. Another thing that worries a lot of people when they think about automation is how many jobs that it is going to take away and has already taken away. Lastly, it is scary to think about the amount of information that companies get from people. All of these reasons are major causes that make people scared of AI.  

AI has come so far, it is amazing to see it play games that people play. An example of this is from the video called In The Age of AI. It talks about how AI beat the professional Go player, Lee Segol. In the video, it talks about how AI made a move no one in thousands of years have thought about. It is scary to think that AI can think of things that not even the best player in the world would think of. 

Lee Segol losing to AI is something that comes to my mind when thinking about how AI is doing things better than humans. The result of this is people losing their jobs because of technology. Why would companies hire people to do a job when AI does it better? We can see this in the middle class a lot because in the video it talks about how a factory worker said at one point there was around 7,500 worker at the factory and now there is 700. That is outrageous to think about. This has a lot of impact on people in the middle class because now almost 7,000 people lost their jobs and now can not afford everyday life. 

The last thing about AI that scares me is the information that it collects on people. In the video, it talks

about how AI can make predictions on what people are going to do when they go on Google. For example, it makes a prediction what they are going to search up based on what they have done in the past. That is crazy for me to think about. The reason is that AI must already have so much information about me to make that prediction so it makes me wonder how much do these companies know about me. 

AI is going to do amazing things for people, but at what cost. The world may have been better off back  before the use of AI. It would allow people to get their jobs back that they lost. It would make it harder for companies to use the information that they collect on us. As a society, we need to decide if it is better to use AI and lose the things that come with it, or is it better to just go without it. 

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