Wednesday, November 8, 2023

USB Flash Drive

When people think about storage they think about the cloud where they have everything stored in. But before people could do that they needed to have a USB flash drive. The USB flash drive really took over the use of storing and transferring data between devices. The Flash drive has evolved over the years and now can hold any where from two gigabits to two terabits. As technology has expanded and people have more and more data online. The more and more storage they need to store. The USB Flash drive is not used as often today because of new technology and the negatives that it has but never the less, it was a stepping stone in our technology on how we store data and transfer data.  

When the USB flash drive first came out their was a debate on who first invented it. The reason being there were a couple companies coming up with the idea and their was a race to come out with it first. Stated in the article from Britannica talks about how a company call M-Systems got the patent for the USB flash drive but IBM sent in an document that was over ten years old saying they already invented the flash drive.  Even though the flash drive invention was up in the air on who actually invented it first. It still was a high used invention. It was developed very quickly and many people started using them. 

When going to the time the flash drive were invented the only way people could store things was on a floppy discs. According to an article from FlashStore at the time people needed a new way to store saved information without a power source. Which solved the problem people ran into of having to store information into a storage  place with a power source. This allowed people to store and transfer data or information more easily. 

This invention changed everyone life. When I was growing up my parents used them for everything. They would use them for keeping old photos of family members. People could them basically anyway they wanted to. For example, it changed the business world because it allowed people to upload their resume and have it with them instead of having print outs of the paper version. This was very useful because, instead of taking the time to print the resume out or not even have it with you. It allowed people to just give them the flash drive. 

Even though that the flash drive was used very often when it came out. People do not use it very often today. The reason being is that the flash drive does have some negative affects to it. according to the article from Pocketnow talks about how the disadvantages in today world and the technology we have today out weights the advantages the flash drive has. One of the major disadvantages the flash drive has is that most of the them are not encrypted. Keeping information safe is most people main priority. If they have a better option to keep the information safe then they are going to use the other option. Another disadvantage is the lifespan on the flash drive. It does have a good lifespan but in today society other technology has better. 

The flash drive has been used by many people and some people still use it today. Most people just use the online cloud to keep information but that being said who knows if the online cloud would have been invented if the flash drive was not invented. Since it has been invented for so long people have found the negative aspects of it but, it is still used today and it works great.

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