Monday, November 20, 2023

Antiwar in media

When watching the news channels or visiting their websites, people do not normally see antiwar on these channels. The news sources like CNN, FOX, and BBC have a lot of power in the sense of the people they reach when they air a certain story on their platforms. Whenever they put out a story, they can reach at least a million people. Since they have a big platform like this, why do they not put both antiwar and prowar stories on their platform? When looking for information on antiwar, it is crazy that people need to go to uncommon websites like to find information on antiwar instead of a big news source. 

When going into the website, people can see many articles that they would have
normally not have seen if they just got the news off big news sources. One of the reasons that antiwar is not as seen today is because of the way Vietnam Veterans were treated when they arrived home from the war. I know, for me personally, when my grandfather came home, he told me stories how people would do outlandish things to him just because he fought in the war. This has a lot of impact on this generation today because I know this happened to a lot of veterans and I would not want to be part of a cause that did something to my grandfather and that could be said for a lot of people. 

Another reason is people do not feel the wars like they used to. What that means is people currently living in the United States are not the ones people killed a lot. In previous wars, they would send so many people over seas and many would not come back. In today world, yes many soldiers do die, but not on the scale it was back then. In an article from NPR, it talks about the new technology that the military uses, such as drones and other forms of technology to fight wars. This means less people feel the affects of the war. 

Even though the reasons I stated before are true and why many people do not either post or want to be apart of the antiwar cause, people still need to get the news about it. When people get one side of a story, like prowar, then they are more likely to go along with it and just be okay with that one side. In today society, we need both sides of whatever cause. Also, news sources need to be unbiased and not just have prowar guest come on shows, they need to have both so people can see both sides and choose which one they want to be apart of. 

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