Sunday, October 29, 2023

My five sources of information

 In my daily life I get my information in many different ways, including from a social media app or a news stations. I get most of my information from social media apps. I never really watched the news growing up. I either heard it from word of mouth or found an article about it. My five sources that I get my information from are Instagram, podcasts, family and friends, ESPN, and Apple News.

 Instagram, a social media app, is not the best for getting the most reliable information consistently. However, Instagram does have the news and reliable people that do post on it. For example, all the big news companies, such as the Washington Post, all have an Instagram account, and I can see what big stories they post on their Instagram. I can also keep up to date with my family and friends. I have a big family that lives all over the world. Being able to see them when they post and see what they are doing allows me to stay up to date with their life. Instagram is a great source of information, but I have to make sure it is from a verified source. 

The next source of information I use is podcasts. I am starting to listen to podcasts more and more. The reason I like podcasts is because they are very easy to listen to. I can listen to it while basically doing anything from driving in the car to or just walking to class. It also has a lot of experts on certain topics that allow me to learn about. I can learn how to manage my finances better or just listen to an entertainment podcast. Even though the information I am learning from the podcasts that I listen to is not news it is still important information that I can use in everyday life. For podcasts I also am aware that the sources that I listen to must be verified as trustworthy.

My third source of information, getting information from family and friends, is the one that most people use. While at college, I get news about back home from my family and friends. Since I am an eight-hour drive from home I normally miss things that are happening in my hometown. Talking to my family I am updated on what is going on. This also allows me to get more local news. My parents always watch the local news so they tell me what is going on. I also like to get my information from my family and friends because it allows me to get their preceptive on situations too. I like to talk to different people about the same situation in the world to see how their preceptive changes how they view the information. 

My fourth source of information is ESPN. I use ESPN a lot to get information in the sports world. I have always loved sports and I do not have time to watch sports games so it keeps me up to date on the scores and my favorite teams. Also, ESPN has articles about certain athletes that allow people to learn more about the athletes that people love to watch. To me getting to learn about the people that I watch every Saturday is interesting. I can also be kept up to date on their injuries and when they will be able to return to games. 

My final source of information is Apple News. When I pick up my phone there always seems to be a new notification from Apple News. These notifications are important to me. They allow me to stay up to date and know what is happening in the world. I also like Apple News because it displays the top stories from various news sources. Every day I can go into the app and have a different new heading from all top sources. This is important to me because I like to get information from all over and not just one source. People that get all of their news from one news can be slightly biased in their information and I try to stay away from that. 

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